Sunday, March 28, 2010

5 Months Old!

Ellen turned five months old on March 27. Time sure does fly! She is as sweet as ever and entertains us more each day.

She's definitely filling out. (She's a great eater!)

No more skinny legs!

EVB still loves to put her feet in her mouth. She especially enjoys this move when she's naked, but obviously that's not appropriate for a photo. We've also explained to her that it's not very ladylike to sit like this. :)

Ellen ready to hit the town (Sunday afternoon at Target) with Mom & Dad.

Ellen LOVES her Daddy!

Look at that milk gut ...

and those rubber-band arms!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Ellen had a great time celebrating her very first St. Patrick's Day last week.

She wore green and donned a festive bib ...

and was distracted by her toes (her favorite "toy" these days) when mommy tried to snap a picture of her on this special day.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fun with Cereal

Ellen recently started eating rice cereal ...

So far, she seems to like it.

However, her toes sometimes look more appetizing.

Silly Ellen!

Great-Grandma B

Ellen is lucky enough to have three great-grandparents and had the privilege of visiting Great-Grandma Benscoter recently.

Four generations of Benscoters (Great-Grandma B, Grandpa Kent, Daddy & Ellen).

EVB & Great-Grandma B!

Ellen's Baptism

Ellen was baptized on March 7 ... It was a great day and so much fun to celebrate with our families.
Ellen was perfectly well-behaved during the entire ceremony. She didn't even cry when she got a rather large amount of water poured on her head. What a trooper!

Looking a little slick after the water and oil. (The oil did wonders for her dry scalp, however ...)

EVB with her Godparents, Chris & Meghan.

Ellen's delicious cake!

Relaxing with Dad & Mom after an eventful day!