Saturday, April 24, 2010

We Love Spring!

We've been taking advantage of the fabulous weather lately by getting Ellen outside as much as possible. We've gone on many walks around the neighborhood and visited the local park where Ellen tested out a swing for the first time. (She LOVED it!) We've also been enjoying dinners out on the deck ... I'm so happy spring is here!

EVB looks so grown up sitting in the swing by herself!

Ellen entertaining herself in her Bumbo while Mom & Dad savor some outside dining.

I couldn't resist. :)

We finally managed to get a picture of Ellen's latest poop face, which gives Adam and I a few good belly laughs each day.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Ellen has had the chance to hang out with some of her buddies recently ... and they're all boys, which makes Daddy a little anxious. :)

Ellen, Reed, Finn, Keelin & Koen

Patrick, Teddy & EVB

Ellen's a bit of a flirt; those boys better watch out!

Little Lady

Ellen has been embracing her feminine side lately ...

Giggly girl in her tiny jean skirt.

Like many women, EVB has a little cellulite; however, she is not at all self-conscious about her cottage-cheese legs.

And, she enjoys a little pampering now and then. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Ellen had a great first Easter. The busy weekend started with an Easter egg hunt with the Benscoters, Johnsons and Lukes on Saturday then on Sunday we went to Omma & Boppa's for another Easter egg hunt and a yummy lunch.

EVB making silly faces after the party on Saturday.

The Easter Bunny brought Ellen a new baby doll! (Despite what it looks like in this picture, I assure you Ellen still has TWO perfectly healthy legs.)

EVB snuggling with her baby ...

Mom, Dad & Ellen

Ellen loved being outside in the sunshine!

EVB was all tuckered out after an exciting weekend.

Sweet Potatoes Not So Sweet

Ellen recently tried baby food for the first time. We started with sweet potatoes, but she wasn't so sure ... She made a really funny face and used her little tongue to push the sweet potatoes out of her mouth. She seems to still prefer her rice cereal and baby oatmeal for now, but hopefully she'll develop a taste for other things soon.