Ellen is 9 months old! I can't believe it! At her 9-month appointment, EVB weighed 18.4 lbs. (40th percentile), was 28.75 inches tall (90th percentile, but I still don't buy the accuracy of their measuring method) and had a head circumference of 17 inches (25th percentile). Here's what Ellen is up to these days:
- Crawling and exploring her surroundings (she's very curiously and suddenly into EVERYTHING)
- Continuing to try more foods (eggs, noodles and peeled & cut blueberries are the latest additions)
- Clapping all the time
- Saying "Mom-mom-mom" and "Dada"
- Shrieking (EVB can be very loud)
- Starting to pull up on furniture
- Shaking her head back and forth (she likes to mimic Daddy doing this)
- Teething (one bottom tooth poked through within the last few days)
Most importantly, Ellen is still the sweetest, most easy-going baby on the block. This is such a fun age and we simply can't get enough of her!
So excited to be 9 months old!
Squirmy wormy when it came time to pose ...
Outtake #1
Outtake #2
Outtake #3