Wednesday, April 27, 2011

18 Months Old (1.5 Years!)

Ellen is officially one and a half ... that's halfway to 3! Wow! At 18 months old, Ellen continues to be very busy and extremely entertaining. We could spend hours just watching her. EVB's newest tricks include:
  • Twirling around in circles (it's her latest dance move)
  • Running at an increased speed (I swear, there I times when I can hardly keep up with/catch her)
  • Walking backwards throughout the house
  • Blowing bubbles (usually with a little help from Mom & Dad)
  • Sitting in a booster seat at the table (she's been anti-high chair lately)
  • Saying new words/phrases, including: "Hmm...Let me see," "Where'd __ go?", "airplane," "cars," "whoa," "oh boy," "oh baby" and "poop"
Big 18-month-old!

Book basket ... seems like a logical place to sit.

EVB embracing her artistic side.

"Hoppy" Easter

Ellen had been preparing for Easter for several weeks by mastering the word "hop" and trying to hop like a bunny (or as Ellen says, "bubby") around the house. The big day did not disappoint. The Easter Bunny brought Ellen a new teaset, a book ("Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See") and a number of other little goodies. EVB behaved wonderfully during church and even complied with an off-schedule nap before we headed to the Johnsons' house for the afternoon. Ellen was a social butterfly at the party and had a blast on the Easter egg (treasure) hunt. What a beautiful day to be outside! Ellen especially enjoyed hearing and seeing cars, birds and airplanes as she ran around enjoying the outdoors.

Ellen's loot from the Easter Bunny.

Tea for Ernie ...

Pre-hunt photo op.

Hunting with Daddy.

A rare photo of the three of us. :)

Ellen LOVES being outside.

Taking a much-needed rest after lots of running!