Sunday, May 27, 2012

EVB: 2 Years, 7 Months (31 Months) Old!

Thirty-one months going on 31 years old ... Miss Ellen continues to be a little character. She's so expressive with her language and mannerisms that it's nearly impossible to keep a straight face when engaging in conversation with her. She's still a great independent player with an amazing imagination, though she had fun with other children at her ECFE class that ended recently. Hopefully we can reconnect with some of these friends over the summer because Ellen has yet to grasp the fact that her class is over. EVB also has been enjoying the warm weather and seems to love the outdoors. She has endless amounts of energy and will run around until she's good and sweaty and her cheeks are nice and rosy. :) I feel like I'm always saying this but, this is such a fun age!

Little lady with crazy hair!

Naturally, one should wear a backpack while dining at a restaurant.

EVB played so hard at the playground that she had trouble staying awake during lunch!

Reading the Sunday ads with Daddy.

Ellen loves to tickle June's feet. :)

Ellen and her favorite hill in our backyard.

Ellen still loves to read.

Ellen with her ECFE friends.

No, this isn't a mass execution. Apparently Ellen's babies are sleeping ...

Ellen: a lover of all things in nature.

Working hard to move those pedals.

Blackberry beard.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

JEB: 2 Months Old!

June Bug is 2 months old! And, while 2 months may not seem like a significant amount of time, it's hard to remember life without our little lady. June is up to all sorts of fun things these days:
  • Smiling: This girl has one sweet smile that she especially loves to share with Daddy.
  • Cooing: June has just started to "talk," usually as she's smiling!
  • Rolling over: JEB has performed the tummy-to-back roll several times now.
June continues to eat about every three hours, with longer stretches at night (she typically wakes up once at about 3:40 a.m.). One not-so-fun thing: June continues to be a barfer ... She spits up (usually multiple times) following almost every feeding. We're hoping the doctor can offer some sort of solution to this puke problem at June's 2-month appointment on Friday because it's super messy and I'm growing tired of all the extra loads of laundry. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I felt extra blessed this Mother's Day ... I can't believe I have TWO sweet (well, mostly sweet) and healthy daughters. How lucky am I?!

Enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather!

I wanted a picture snuggling both girls, but apparently Ellen is already too cool for mom because she refused to sit right next to me!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

JEB: 8 Weeks Old!

Mom needs to stop taking the weekly photo during crabby time.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

EVB: 2.5 Years (30 Months) Old!

Ellen officially turned 2 1/2 on April 27. That's halfway to 5! Oh, my! While challenging at times, Ellen is still as wonderful as ever. She never fails to entertain us and she brings a smile to our faces multiple times a day with the things she comes up with.

A brief list of what Ellen is up to at 2.5:
  • Talking non-stop (as usual)
  • Contributing more complex sentences to the conversation ("Dad, how was your day at work?"... "Mom, did you have fun with your girlfriends last night?")
  • Continuing to work on potty training (I think we've gotten to the point where Ellen becoming aware of the need to use the bathroom as she's going or has just gone!)
  • Exercising her independence (putting on her shoes by herself, exploring every inch and obstacle of a playground, brushing her teeth on her own, etc.)
  • Being stubborn (mealtimes have been challenging lately)
  • Stalling (especially at bedtime ... lots of requests for water, a need to use the bathroom, etc.)
  • Singing & dancing (Ellen's latest favorite is "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner!)

EVB's vocabulary continues to grow ... here are a few of her current mispronunciations that are super cute:
  • "Ungren" (onion)
  • "Memamorphosis" (metamorphosis)
  • "Poe Nolish" (toenail polish)
  • "Cavnet" (cabinet)
  • "Prouda Mary" ("Proud Mary")

JEB: 7 Weeks Old!

Not in the mood for pictures ...

June's latest trick: smiling!

Chubby arms!

 More smiles

Sweet little lady :)

JEB: 6 Weeks Old!

Tummy time!

Spit up: June's (and Mom's) frequent accessory.