Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015 ... in pictures:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

FLB: 1 Month Old!

Miss Frances is one month old already! In the short amount of time she's been around, here's what we know about Frannie so far:

  • She loves to be held and prefers that you walk around while holding her.
  • She hates being naked, but enjoys being in the water. So, bath time for her is pure bliss bookended by the sheer terror of being cold and vulnerably exposed.
  • She likes to wake up a couple of times during the night to be fed and changed.
  • She's, overall, a very good baby and pretty darn awesome.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

JEB: 3 Years + 9 Months Old!

The big news for June in the past month is that she is a BIG SISTER! And, she thinks this is a pretty cool title. Not only that, June still gets to be a little sister. She likes when we comment on the fact that she is the only one in our whole family who knows what it's like to be a little sister and a big sister. It's a super big deal.

June loves to love on Frannie. She's always checking on her, touching the top of her head (we sometimes need to remind June to be gentle), talking sweetly to her, singing her a song ... She also likes to help give Frannie baths. June is an awesome first-time big sister.

In other news, June is continuing to do well at preschool and is still an all-around sweet kid.

June's first-ever school pictures:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

EVB's Missing Tooth!

After a few exciting weeks of two wiggly bottom teeth, Ellen finally lost her first tooth! She was very brave as mom pulled it out and she couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to make her inaugural visit to our house. The next morning, Ellen was thrilled to discover the tooth fairy had left her a whole dollar! "That's 100 pennies!"