Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving & 25 Months Old

Ellen had a great Turkey Day! We celebrated at Grammy & Grandpa's house earlier in the day and then headed to Omma & Boppa's later in the afternoon for more food and good company. Ellen tried everything on her plate, but she definitely liked pumpkin pie the best!

In lieu of her regularly scheduled nap on Thanksgiving, Ellen took a brief snooze on the car ride from Grammy & Grandpa's to Omma & Boppa's.

Following meal No. 2, Ellen (and her baby) devoured some pumpkin pie. :)

A few days after Thanksgiving, Ellen turned 25 months old. I had originally planned to stop taking the monthly photos once Ellen hit the 2-year mark, but now I think I'll try to keep it going until she turns 3. She's still changing so much that I feel compelled to continue documenting each monthly milestone!

Looking more and more like a big kid!

25 months old and still as goofy as ever!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

I think Ellen enjoyed her third Halloween! Leading up to the big day, we spent a lot of time talking about pumpkins (she loved spotting pumpkins on doorsteps throughout the neighborhood), ghosts and witches, and making our house look festive with a few decorations. Ellen also practiced saying "trick-or-treat" followed by "thank you" and "Happy Halloween!" to ensure she was ready for the main event.

This year Ellen helped us carve pumpkins and then dressed up as a duck on the big night. We went trick-or-treating at Omma and Boppa's house and then tried to go to a few neighbors' houses once we got back home. Despite all of the trick-or-treating practice, Ellen got a bit of stage fright and wasn't up to actually walking up to people's doorsteps. (She preferred the safety of the sidewalk.) So, she came back home and hand a grand ole time trick-or-treating on her own by moving pieces of candy one at a time from our big bowl to her pumpkin treat bag (or as she called it, her "pumpkin purse").

Pumpkin guts sure feel funny!

A squatting duck with the Daddy, Mommy & Ellen pumpkins.

Happy little duck!