I think Ellen enjoyed her third Halloween! Leading up to the big day, we spent a lot of time talking about pumpkins (she loved spotting pumpkins on doorsteps throughout the neighborhood), ghosts and witches, and making our house look festive with a few decorations. Ellen also practiced saying "trick-or-treat" followed by "thank you" and "Happy Halloween!" to ensure she was ready for the main event.
This year Ellen helped us carve pumpkins and then dressed up as a duck on the big night. We went trick-or-treating at Omma and Boppa's house and then tried to go to a few neighbors' houses once we got back home. Despite all of the trick-or-treating practice, Ellen got a bit of stage fright and wasn't up to actually walking up to people's doorsteps. (She preferred the safety of the sidewalk.) So, she came back home and hand a grand ole time trick-or-treating on her own by moving pieces of candy one at a time from our big bowl to her pumpkin treat bag (or as she called it, her "pumpkin purse").
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