- Talking more & more (e.g., "reading" books and, my favorite, imitating Santa by saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!")
- Requesting to "snuggle Mommy"
- Promptly informing us when she's pooped and then requesting a change. (June sometimes will go as far as to bring us a clean diaper and wipes.)
- Trying out the potty chair. She's had a few successful visits to the bathroom, but she's still a ways away from any serious toilet learning.
- Playing (and wrestling) with Ellen. These two have become great buddies in recent weeks and, for the most part, play very nicely together. (I often feel like a third wheel.)
- Working on her incisors. This poor girl has had a heck of a time with teething, basically since birth. We're hoping her four canines finally pop through so we can have some reprieve until her 2-year-old molars come in.
- Enjoying naps/bedtime. June loves her crib and getting "cozy, cozy" with her buddies: a stuffed mouse named Squeakers, a stuffed monkey named Bananas, a stuffed rabbit named Hops and a little stuffed doll named Teeny, Tiny Baby. June also must sleep with two small "owl blankies," a stripped blanket and a polk-a-dot blanket. And, of course, her paci, which we're hoping to get rid of in the next month or two.
- Eating well. June still loves eating anything with red sauce and waffles.
Size-wise, June is still wearing size 3 diapers, size 5 shoes (though she's probably ready to start wearing some size 6 shoes) and size 18-24 months clothes (though a few size 12-18 months items still fit her).
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