Sunday, February 15, 2015

JEB: 35 Months Old!

Just one more month until Junie B. turns 3! Heres' what our little lady has been up to as she heads into her final month as a 2-year-old:
  • Still working on potty training. Some days, June does pretty well, but we're still dealing with a lot of stubbornness and power struggles (e.g., refusing to go to the bathroom while sitting on the toilet and then wetting her pants as soon as she's off the toilet OR holding it all day and waiting to go once a Pull-up/diaper is on before bedtime). She's got to figure it out eventually, right?!
  • Thriving at ECFE. This semester, we're signed up for the same class we attended in the fall, but at a school much closer to our house and to Ellen's preschool. For whatever reason, the the teachers, children and parents in this new class seem to be a much better fit for both of us. Everyone is so friendly and engaged, which is benefiting June (and me!). It's also so nice not to have to rush out the door at the end of class to make it to Ellen's school in time for pickup.
  • Wearing her sassy pants. Instead of the Terrible Twos like we had with Ellen, June seems to be saving her evilness for 3. Based on a few glimpses of behavior we've seen lately, I think we'll soon have a "threenager" on our hands.
  • Still bullying Ellen. June learns new buttons to push with her sister each day.
  • Growing! June is a bottomless pit lately ... she often requires second and third breakfasts/lunches and is constantly telling us that she's "a little bit more hungry."
  • Cracking us up, as always. June is definitely the comedian of the family and never fails to make us giggle or cheer us up when life gets us down. 
She's a stinker at times, but we sure love our silly goose.

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